Thanks so much for watching! Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend~my love and respect to those have died serving our country and their families! ♥ Lisa
Oliver Clothing~ 910-256-2233 Big Memorial Day Sale
McGuire Marino Skirt ~ http://tinyurl.com/khllorc
“Lisa15” for 15% off ~ Mine is a size 28, and I could have worn a 27, it is stretchy!
Feel the Piece Tank ~ http://tinyurl.com/l8jq36r
Feel the Piece Maxi Dress~they have more, you can call them!
Bentevi Swimwear~ http://benteviswimwear.com/
Jamie with Burberry~ Text or call her! 630-486-4951
Mavi Jeans ~ http://us.mavi.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=search.results&searchString=emma
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing
Marie Kondo
Today I am Wearing~ Rachel K CC Cream Fair, Laura Mercier Classic Beige Loose Powder, Lancome Dual Finish Powder Suede, Burberry Lip and Cheek Bloom Hydrangea, G Armani Master Corrector 1, Maybelline DreamLumi Radiant, MUFE HD Pressed Powder for Tzone only Eyes: Laura Mercier Buff, Burberry Nude wet/Dry shadow, Mac Soft Brown, Dark Brown for Burberry Mocha Quad, Hourglass Prism–the black for liner, Burberry Curl Mascara–Mac Smolder on lower–:(( Ardel 120S Lashes Brows: Burberry Sepia Effortless Brow Pencil Lips: Younique Pouty Lip Liner, Burberry Lip and Cheek Bloom Hydrangea Nails: Sally Hansen “Pat on the Black”
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