Chanel Lip Liner Vamp VS Eye Makeup Remover, Satin Sheets & Sweet Nothing Eye makeup removers: Boots No 7, Mary Kay, Urban Decay Mac Hot Planet (Thanks Shannon!) http://www.youtube.com/user/Lucy85Marie
Today I’m wearing: Chanel Pro/Vita Lumiere, Mac MSF Nat/Shimmer, Jane Iredale Moon Glow & Mac Hot Planet, BB Concealer in Warm Beige Eyes: Painterly, Mac Lucky Tom Palette (No purple), Lancome Backstage Pass over Blitz N Glitz liner and in crease, YSL Faux Cils and Demi Lashes #301 Demi Lips: Estee Lauder Tea Rose Writer, Mac Madly Creative, & Mac Via Venetto Dazzleglass
Thanks so much for watching!! Lisa
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