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My Blog/Store~http://www.lisalisad1.com
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My Amazon Store (all the good stuff I order and love) https://www.amazon.com/shop/lisalisad1/
Follow me on https://www.liketoknow.it/lisalisad1 for daily outfit ideas and inspiration! I post more here than on Instagram 👗 👡
☀️Items Shown Mentioned~
I did just get these two dresses that are nice~
Short Sleeve Polo Dress~ https://bit.ly/3cPG1Q9
Ribbed 90’s Dress~ https://bit.ly/2QqKktF
Colleen Rothschild Body Balm Set~ https://bit.ly/3eqJxTq
Beach Bag~https://amzn.to/38ZduXe (some colors are on sale)
Vicky’s Channel~ https://www.youtube.com/user/Vicky4041
Sunscreens etc~🌺
IT CC Matte Neutral Medium
Brush I used~ https://bit.ly/3s5ID2x
Tarte Shape Tape Ultra Creamy~Lt Med Neutral https://bit.ly/3rZaCB8
Shiseido Sport Light & Medium~ https://bit.ly/390rsYQ
Elta MD Tinted Sunscreen~https://amzn.to/3r5JoaG
OBAGI Sunscreen~https://bit.ly/3s6cUhD
Mango Pants S~ https://bit.ly/3egziAU
Yes, I did order the rest! 😊 Top~https://bit.ly/3lx78Dx AND Jacket~https://bit.ly/3s6doEP
Bodysuit M~ https://amzn.to/3s55bAw
CHANEL 19 bag~https://bit.ly/37XjQq1
Similar~ https://bit.ly/3c5lfg1 https://bit.ly/3jSKPY9 https://bit.ly/3fcPXGj https://bit.ly/3tLIL85
Rings~”LisaLisaD1″ for 10% off free shipping over $50 https://mirandafrye.com/collections/rings-1
CHANEL Watch, I noticed I had it on upside down after the video! https://bit.ly/2NS1SO9
Similar~ https://bit.ly/375yM4k https://bit.ly/2PcMVqx https://bit.ly/3pl8Zf3
My Camera~https://amzn.to/34dkKez
Tripod~ http://bit.ly/2u4uE2m
iMovie for editing 🎥
💕 Some links used are affiliate ~Thank you for your support! 💗 Lisa
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