Louise Young Foundation Brush LY34 Hard Candy PinUp CG LashBlast Mac Soft Ochre Paint Pot and Strada Blush Soap And Glory Flake Away Sigma SS224 & SS219 (sent to me by Sigma)
Today I’m Wearing: EL Double Wear, Mac MSF Nat/Shimmer Med, Mac Harmony and Salsa Rose, I forgot concealer! :)) Eyes: Mac Smoke and Mirrors Holiday Palette, Benefit Highbrow, Mac Stubborn Brown, and CG LashBlast Lips: EL Fig liner, EL Rose Amethyst (true love), and Buxom Babes gloss (I can’t remeber which one!!–I like the lipstick better without the gloss, anyway!)
All products listed were purchased by me (my hubby) except for the Sigma brushes, which I would gladly pay full price for them–I love them!!
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